Wednesday, June 2, 2010

affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing (AM) is fast becoming a major trend in online business. With the internet still in its adolescent years, it has already established itself as an extremely
viable career opportunity, bridging the advertising gap for companies, while providing much sought-after work at home revenue.

With the boom in affiliate marketing, however, there is a growing wave of new marketers that become easily discouraged when the initial hype wears off and they don't understand what to expect in the business. For those just entering the arena, here are a few Facts Of Life about Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing being a hybrid of the independent contractor, and the self-employed small business owner, it is inevitable that some money be invested. While a contractor might earn a base pay + commission, they also have little or no control over product, promotion or price. And, while a self-employed owner controls all these, they also pay all the bills.

But an AM is neither. They don't control price nor, once they sign up, product. But they do control promotion. And, unlike a self-employed worker, they bear only a fraction of the costs. The advertising fraction.

So, the bad news is affiliate marketers do have to invest some money, at some point, even in
the best programs or scenerios. But this has also become a growing trend in all sales positions, as well as positions in all industries. Many positions include a certain amount
of investment. Any job that requires a uniform, for example, means investing in special clothes. Plus most realtors must pay for their own advertising.

The good news is that, unlike other sales positions (but similar to small business), the AM controls that cost because they decide on which advertisements to invest.

The best news is that many companies, like Plug-in-Profits (,
now offer great affiliate support and will guide the new AM until they understand the business and can stand on their own two feet.

Affiliate marketing works on the slide-rule effect. That is, the more effort the AM invests, the richer the dividends. And, like a microcosm of a career, the AM works their tail off in the beginning-- then works less and less as their sales build. But this can be measured in months, rather than years (thus, the mirocosm).

Still, many enter the AM arena thinking all they have to do is sign up as an affiliate, then sit back and reap the rewards. And that's just when they should be getting busy. The
rewards will come, but not until they've put in their time.

The bad news here is to expect to eat, drink and sleep marketing-- at first.

The good news is that, according to experts in the field, an affiliate can expect to see a return on their investment within the first 3-9 months, depending on how much time they spend at it.

It's inevitable. Either by paying astronomical fees for hosting, for leads or for some other service (not to mention, the existence of scams), it happens. That's why "expert" and
"experience" have the same root word. It takes experience to know what's going on, how to spot a scam, and to know a good opportunity when it arrives.

The good news is, experience is the best teacher of all. And a new AM will soon learn from their mistakes.

The internet has been called the most fluid industry ever. That's a poetic way of saying it changes faster and more often than a body of water. Engineers call it expotential growth,
though it's more reminiscent of growth on a cellular level: Rather like a baby starting as two single cells and, in nine short months, becoming a fully formed infant. Or, like a pyramid scheme that really works!

Whatever the analogy, the point is the internet is constantly, incessantly, (sometimes annoyingly) changing. What was vital two years ago (SE placement, keywords, Pay-Per-Click), is now becoming passe, replaced by new types of more effective marketing techniques
(PowerLinking, Opt-in lists, pay-per-buy).

All of which leads to--

To keep the revenues up, AMs must find good resources to monitor the business. Newsletters, forums and affiliate resource pages all become vital to watching the latest trends. They are filled with the latest information, the latest ideas and the newest concepts in advertising.

Also, in the case of the AM with their own website, that must be updated occasionally, too, while the affiliate landing page is kept up by the company. But when an AM opts for their own page, they must be aware that every few months or years, a new enhancement takes off. Right now, the latest is audio and or
animated spokespeople.

Once an affiliate marketer arms themself with these facts of life, they have a very good chance of succeeding in this new arena.

marketing helpful

Article Marketing has a whole range of benefits that can transform the fate of a website from pauper to prince. First and foremost, it is a great strategy to invite qualified net traffic without having to beg or nudge. The whole idea is very logical. The website submits informative article across free of cost forums, blogs, ezines et al, which in turn may further change hands with other websites out of interest or a nominal amount of fee. Thus by submitting the article to some hundreds or even thousands of websites, the website establishes its web presence. And from there on the article does the rest.

When readers seeking information go through these articles, they esteem the embedded link high as they look up at the website as an expert in the field. In other words, the website has a boosted creditability.

Enthused by the resourcefulness of the article, the readers helplessly click on the link and bookmark the website. Thus, the website receives quality and qualified leads, as the readers are usually inclined to sign up for newsletter or send a query. The leads are highly qualified or potential business simply because of the nature of how they found out the website.

The website experiences surge in traffic to the website, as the articles are highly circulated and read. The website receives plethora of potential and genuine inbound links. These inbound links being received from outside the website, expansively scattered on web, are enumerated as “votes” of confidence by the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN et al. In direct consequence, the web page of the site containing the link starts topping the SERPs. As it is a well-known fact that more than 80% of the net users rely on the search engines to reach their desired websites, the ranking immensely upturns the web traffic to the website.

The increased web traffic through SERPs and inbound links generated through the articles obviously attracts highly qualified traffic. These visitors to the site are seriously looking for the subject supported by the website. This also means that the visitors are most likely to translate into business. Hence, the website enjoys better business prospects and optimized turnover over time.

Article Marketing offers a website a more influential advertising strategy than regular advertising. The ‘expert’ status endears potential customers to the website before they even visit the website. This also implies a positive outlook when they browse through the website. Hence, a good website enjoys every chance of a better feedback than otherwise. Studies allege that Article Marketing is 7-10 times more effective a marketing strategy than regular advertising.

The e-zines, blogs and forums are free of cost web destinations that generously invite articles to promote their own business interests. The sites inviting submissions are further surfed by researchers and other e-zines in their quest for quality articles for their newsletters/ articles. Thus, the website gets further free ads in various newsletters, as they end up picking up the articles and reprint them to their newsletter base, which automatically distributes the content to their thousands or even more, permission-based members.

Article Marketing builds indispensable link popularity for the website as the circulated articles create more and more links to the website from other sites. An important SEO strategy, link popularity bestows higher rank to the website. Link popularity establishes net presence of a website in the true sense of the word as it also accumulates brand equity.

Your ebook Cover

Color can have a profound impact on your prospective buyers. The wrong colors can negatively impact your sales, while the right colors can trigger positive emotions motivating your visitors to buy from you.
Color can affect how we feel and influence what we think. In general, bright bold colors tend to stir us up, while the softer pastel colors calm and relax us. Responses to colors can vary by age, gender and cultural background.
Colors will affect how a potential buyer reacts to your ebook. Carefully select your color scheme for your ebook cover. Here are some guidelines to help you make good color choices. Bear in mind that these are guidelines, and that there are no hard and fast rules. Just use common sense. * Consider your audience. For example, if your ebook primarily targets men, then you will want to use strong, bold colors. If your target audience is women, then choose soft, pastel colors. If your focus is on children, choose bright, vibrant colors.
* Choose colors that are appropriate for your book's topic. For example, green may work well for books about starting a home business, making money, and reducing debt.
* Use colors that match or complement the color scheme of your web site.
* Keep the number of colors down to two or three, and no more. This does not include photographs which can have a whole range of colors.
* When using photographs on your ebook cover, use colors that complement the primary color in the picture.
* Make sure that all of the colors you use work well together and do not clash.
* Communicate your message with easy-to-read text. Use colors for your text that contrast with the background color so your text is readable. For example, a dark font on a light background is easy to read.
* Consider the mood you want to create. Remember that emotions trigger sales. People buy what they want - not what they need. The list below will show you how colors can affect us in different ways.
Red - Action, energy, strength, passion, fire, heat, power, attention-getting. Can also mean love and romance a strong masculine color. Red is a good color for a call-to-action. Red is cheerfulness, excitement, and warmth. Pink is a soft version of red. It is most associated with romance, calming affect; a feminine color.
Blue - Confidence, travel, freedom, truth, professionalism, wealth and power. Also tranquility, dependable, acceptance, patience, understanding, cooperation, comfort, loyalty and security It is one of the most calming colors and is associated with the sky and the sea, intelligence, reassurance, and trust. Blue has also been known to be an appetite suppressant, so it would not be good for cookbooks or recipes but you can consider it for diet books.
Green - Money, wealth, prosperity, calm, health, food, nature, hope, growth, freshness, soothing, sharing, and responsiveness. Green symbolizes spring, renewal, and fertility.
Orange - Health and vitality, autumn, youthfulness, fire, steadfastness, courage, confidence, friendliness, cheerfulness, warmth, excitement and energy. Has been known to stimulate the appetite Vibrant and warm, orange is associated with autumn and the earth.
Yellow - Light, purity, understanding, caution, brightness, intelligence, joy, organization, spring. Yellow often represents sunshine, warmth, light, energy and happiness.
Purple - Dignity, sophistication, creativity, spirituality and mystery. Deep purple is associated with royalty and richness, while lavender is associated with romance and nostalgia.
Brown - Credibility, stability, the hearth, home, the earth, wood, comfort and strength. Brown can be used as a neutral or a warm color.
Black - Space, night, authority, dramatic, classy, committed serious, power, elegance, and sophistication.
White - Purity, peace, perfection, fresh, easy, cleanliness, goodness, and spirituality. Worth noting here, white represents life and marriage in Western cultures, but it represents death and sorrow in Eastern cultures.
Grey - A conservative color, symbolizing security, maturity and reliability.
Take advantage of the impact color can have on your ebook sales and choose colors that will create positive responses.

ebook cover sells

Do you buy ugly books? Probably not. Book covers sell books. Ask any bookstore manager. Ask any successful Web site that sells books.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." We've all heard this saying before but the truth is, we all do it anyway.

First impressions greatly influence how we judge people. Impressions are no less important when it comes to the items we buy. For example, imagine that you are looking through a magazine. You come to a page that has two nearly identical ads side by side. Both ads are selling books on the same subject. However, in one ad the book is shown with a plain cover with text only and no illustrations. In the other ad, the book has a colorful, illustrated cover, along with the text. Now, which ad is likely to catch your interest?

Sure, the title and other text will go a long way to inform of the book's contents. But, unconsciously you are going to be attracted to the illustrated cover. Your impression will be that this book has greater value. Simply put, you decide that "what you see is what you get" and that is usually enough to sway you to buy that particular book.

Let's say you visit two different Web sites, both selling an ebook about starting a home-based business.

On one site, the book cover is a flat rectangle representing the basic shape of the front of a book. Furthermore, while it has some color and illustrations, these images have nothing to do with the subject of the book, plus the photo is a little blurry.

The second site shows a three-dimensional ebook image. It "looks" like a real book. The picture conveys a mom working on a computer with a child on her lamp, representing a home-based computer business. Added to that, the photo and the colors on the cover image all work well together.

Now, which ebook are you likely to be drawn to? Which one gives you a sense that it has greater value? Clearly, the one represented by the well-designed, 3D cover with a relevant image will influence you in a more positive way, and will more likely induce you to purchase that book.

Every successful marketer learned back in Marketing 101 that the packaging will most often determine how well an item will sell. Successful Internet marketers of ebooks and software already know this. These ebook and software sellers understand the importance of the cover design (book or box). They use quality 3D images to represent their products and increase their perceived value.

Let's put it this way: You may have produced the world's most important book on your subject, but who is going to know if nobody reads it?

A quality ebook image is vital to your ebook sales! If you are selling a book on the Internet (heck, even if you are giving it away), your marketing success is going to depend on how potential buyers perceive its value.

Put a little more crudely, dress your ebook in rags, showing a flat cover with no illustrations or inappropriate images, and no one will want it. Display your ebook in the equivalent of a tuxedo, a 3D cover with well-thought-out images, colors and title text, and you will instantly boost your ebook sales!

Drive Traffic

If you own a website you are probably continually looking for ways to get traffic. Without a steady flow of traffic to your site, it is impossible to make money online. In the online world, traffic equals money.

Article marketing is a cheap method of marketing your website and services. It will also help you drive up your search engine rankings in the process which will translate into more traffic. Articles will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services. All in all, article marketing is probably one of the most effective link building strategy in existence.

If you keep at it and continue adding new articles consistently, you should eventually receive a sizeable amount of free traffic. Articles that are interesting and informative will act like a magnet to draw targeted traffic direct to your website in both the short term and the long term. Articles will help you get backlinks from around the Net and help you build your brand and drive traffic to your site.

You can pay to get traffic through Google's Adwords or other programs like it and for that you may get instant traffic. But for most of us, paying for traffic is quite risky and getting it for free is a far better option. Article marketing allows us to get our material out to a number of different sources and those articles will not disappear like a paid ad will when we stop paying for it.

Article marketing does have its downside however, and that is that it is very time consuming. Not only do you have to write the articles, but then you have to distribute them to as many article directories as possible. Once you submit your articles, you then often have to wait weeks before they are approved and published. There is inexpensive software on the market that will speed up the process of submission somewhat but it still takes way more time than one would want.

Using articles has worked, and will continue to work, as an unparalleled strategy to drive quality traffic to all your websites. To succeed on the Internet, you must learn how to increase web traffic to your website. Getting traffic via articles is one of the main things you can be doing to do this effectively and cheaply.

regression market

Building a reputation as an expert is essential for a successful article marketing campaign. It's not enough to write an article, submit the article to directory site and hope that customers click on your back links to learn more about you. You must sell yourself. Show potential customers they you can trust you as an expert. This is particularly important when the market takes a downturn.

Customers want to work with people they know and trust. Even if the customer doesn't know you by name, you earn their trust by providing quality, informative SEO articles and excellent service to your customers. This will make you known on the Internet as a subject matter expert.

Article Marketing is Cost Effective

Cost is always the bottom line. Any business that says otherwise is not being truthful. The beauty of article marketing is that it is an inexpensive way to advertise your products or services, even at a time when the market takes a downturn. If a turn in the economy determines how you'll market your product or services, you can still succeed in article marketing. Surviving a downturn in the market does not mean you have to give up or wait for better times. Article marketing is a cost efficient method to market your products and services whether money is tight or not.

Attract Targeted Traffic to Your Website

You probably know by now that the best way to build your revenue is to increase the amount of traffic to your website. Take that a step further now. Your goal should not be to attract everyone to your website. Your goal is to attract targeted traffic to your website. What does this mean? Simply put it means to narrow down your topic and attract only people to your website that are interested in your topic. You could bring 400 million people to your website this week, but if none of those people are interested in your niche topic you will not be any better off. It happens all the time. Websites are promoted in ways that aren't targeted.

If the articles that you submit to directories are not tailored enough to a specific target audience, the high success rate won't be as high as that possible from article marketing. It is essential to build your expert status in one particular niche. Tailor your articles within that specific niche and targeted customers interested in that specific niche will be drawn to you.

Responding to Targeted Traffic

Another benefit of article marketing is that once you find a niche group of customers to target, success is at your fingertips. All you need to do now is hone in on your targeted customers. Know what they want and need, become familiar with their buying habits, study their demographics and provide them with the information and products they crave.

Once you narrow down your niche market, go full speed ahead with article marketing to maximize your success in a down-turned market. Submit articles to article distribution sites to gain maximum exposure by wide variety of publishers. They will be picked up and published only by those who specialize in the same niche. They are doing all the footwork for you.

MLM Marketing

Most people who join multi-level marketing companies do so because of the tremendous income opportunities that are associated with the MLM industry. Many opportunities in the industry offer anybody the chance to make five and six figure incomes with little capital needed for start up costs to join.

The opportunities to realize financial independence can be a powerful driving force for us all. Because MLM companies offer this chance, more than ever before, many are looking into this area as something to consider for themselves and their families.

Choosing the right MLM company to join is the trick. So many multi-level opportunities are fly-by night scams. They pitch an incredible tale of getting rich almost over night with little effort put forth. Dont buy into these pitches.

Choosing the right MLM company to join is relatively easy. These companies have been established for years and have a solid track record. Everything about them is out on the table for you to verify.

Being a independent distributor in a MLM company is hard work. If you want success, then you will have to understand the product lines, your compensation plan, the down line structure and business practices you will be using.

In all cases, your financial success will be strongly tied into your down line of other independent distributors that you will sponsor. In essence, they work for the company but in reality, they work under you.

Long gone are the marketing ways of old. This used to require you to talk to all of your friends, neighbors and everyone else you ever shook hands with about your business opportunity. Recruiting your MLM down line used to be a socially brutal experience. You would walk into a party and watch everyone scatter to the other side of the room away from you.

Many successful MLM marketers are now using the Internet to get good targeted leads for their downline by article marketing. Go to any article submission directory and you will find thousands of MLM articles that all back-link to the authors MLM website.

The ironic twist is that your targeted leads should be other independent MLM distributors! Yes, this sounds crazy, but it is true. So many individuals that are distributors already are more than familiar with the MLM industry. They are always on the look out for more MLM opportunities. Many MLM marketers have more than one MLM company they are partnered with.

By using article marketing methods consistently to generate targeted traffic for your down line, you will be getting people who are already familiar with the MLM industry. They will want to know more about what your MLM company has to offer them. These will be very hot prospects for you.

The great thing about article marketing is this method will not cost you a dime. The trade off is that you have to put in the work to write those articles and set up your website for cultivating your prospective leads that are directed to it from your articles. This is one of the best methods used to generate target leads to create a solid down line for your MLM business.

There are many free step by step resources online on how to use article marketing to set up a system that will regularly generate prospects for you by article writing.

Old school MLM would have you cold calling your second cousins to set up a time for you to talk to them about your great MLM opportunity. Which method would you rather use to create your new down line, article marketing or cold calling?

E Book Compilers

Now that you've finished writing your eBook and have a basic understanding of what an eBook compiler does, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the number of compilers on the market. I have tested and reviewed the best-rated eBook compilers currently available. The following overview will help you make your decision;

* E-ditor
This software has a demo version that you can download to try out before purchasing. You can't actually use the demo to create an eBook, but you can run the software and test it out thoroughly to see if it does what you need it to do for your particular eBook. This eBook compiler is one of the easiest to use. The software has a very user-friendly help menu that provides instructions for and explanations of every field on every screen. The program also includes video tutorials demonstrating every step of this compiler with clear explanations of all fields that need to be filled out. There are 7 screens that you use to choose your eBook options.

This compiler requires your files to be in HTML format. You follow simple directions, and the compiler loads your files. If you decide to edit your eBook after it has been compiled, make any changes in your original files and click on "Compile you eBook" and your changes will appear in your compiled eBook.

E-editor allows for some customization of your eBook. You can create a special page that appears when the eBook is opened; create customized icons that appear on the desktop after downloading; use your own logo on the task bar of your eBook; customize the task bar's buttons, where the task bar appears in your eBook, and choose the task bar's colors. Additionally, you can choose to have the eBook open to the last page read, which many of your buyers will appreciate.
An excellent and unique feature of E-ditor is the capability to choose a standard Microsoft window or to create your own design for a window to personalize your eBook. The program provides some sample window designs, but you can use any .bmp (bit map skin) graphic you have stored on your hard drive. E-ditor is a good choice if you are new at producing eBooks because it is easy to use and allows you to customize the appearance of your eBook.

* Desktop Author

This compiler does not require a browser, nor do you have to download software or plug-ins. The program converts exe. files into pages that look like a standard book. You can create and produce eBook pages scaled to fit on your computer screen without any scrolling. Additional features include WYSIWGY (what you see is what you get) page editing and creation, the ability to manipulate internal images, cut and paste functions, hotlinks to pages, email, website, or other files. It is an excellent compiler to use for a marketing tools, such as creating brochures and manuals in addition to eBooks.

* EBook Edit Pro
This compiler provides a demo version, which allows you to test out its features. The software uses a Wizard that leads you step-by-step through the set-up and creation of your eBook. Customization includes text editing that appears on the pop-up starting message window; the ability to allow or prevent resizing of your book and the mouse-click pop-up menu; enabling or disabling the navigation bar and choosing the buttons you want to appear; and customizing the eBook's desktop icon and the logo that appears on the navigation bar.

Ebook Edit Pro is loaded with excellent features that allow you to create multi-media Ebooks, and includes a Wizard that is customized for beginners and for advanced users. The software uses HTML files, downloading them from the directory where they are saved. Edit and resave your files in the original software used to create those files, and then with a single click you can re-compile your Ebook.

Features include customization of icons, toolbars, and the "about box." This compiler has a particularly useful feature called the Rebrander feature. This permits you to enter customized code into your Ebook pages and distribute the Rebrander software to your affiliates or distributors. They can then customize the links included in the Ebook, but they can not alter any link or information that you have not entered a customized code for.

The software includes "eBrand-It" software that allows custom fields for your customer's name, affiliate IDor URL. This feature is a powerful marketing tool because affiliates are much happier giving away yourEbook from their own site when they can customize it.

* Ebook Compiler
This compiler offers a demo version that allows you to compile 10 files. If you don't include graphics, you can create a 10 page Ebook that allows printing and copying of the Ebook. The catch is that you can't sell any Ebook you create in the demo version. The purchased software is user-friendly with easy-to-follow help files that not only guide you through the steps of compiling your Ebook, but also explains what an Ebook compiler does. The software provides detailed instructions on how to create source files from Microsoft Word 2000 and 1997, PowerPoint 2000 and 1997, and HTML documents. It contains less detailed instructions for creating source files from other programs.

This compiler allows for password protection of your entire Ebook or for selected pages. Additionally, you can set a time limit on your Ebook. When this runs out, the customer no longer has access unless they pay for it. In other words, it allows you to create a demo version of your Ebook for marketing purposes.
You can set a single password or multiple passwords. Using multiple passwords assigns each user their own specific password. Online help files guide you through setting up your passwords. You can also create a Sales and Thank-you page for selling a password protected Ebook. This is a good choice for the novice, particularly since it includes basic features for password protection and distribution.

* Active Ebook Compiler
This is an easy to use compiler that provides excellent features. This software can support HTML, JPEG, GIF, and all active plug-ins. Features includes password protection, branding, internet linking, icon customization, assigning unique serial numbers, splash screen, file compression, and start-up messages. It also provides free lifetime upgrades. Additionally, it includes a preprocessor, re-brander, active script, and detailed instructions for using HTML, Power Point, and Microsoft Word files.

There are several other excellent Ebook compilers on the market that are worth looking into. Ebook Generator features splash screens, password protection, branding, icon customization, and compression control. Additionally, it includes virus prevention that alerts the user to any modifications made to your Ebook and offers usage statistics so you can track your Ebook's use. With all these advanced features, this is an excellent compiler for the beginner because it is exceptionally easy to run.

Ebook Creator is another excellent compiler, supporting HTML, JPEG, GIF, and PNG graphics, and JavaScript, VB script, and Java applets. It also supports all Internet Explorer plug-ins. Standard features include unique serial numbers, direct linking to a form or a page on your website, disabled right clicking, and search functions. The software allows for expiration after a set number of days or usages, which allows you to create demo versions. You can create up to 1000 different passwords; every time the Ebook is downloaded, a unique password is required to access protected pages. The software provides user-friendly menus and buttons that allow the beginner to the advanced user to easily create their Ebook.

Obviously, there are some excellent compilers out there. So figure out EVERYTHING you need in terms of features, and then compare prices and options. Do take advantage of demo versions if they are offered before purchasing. And then, have fun creating your Ebook

bank balance

Selling information, of many kinds with proper marketing, will net you big money. Selling solid or material products or services is not the only way for you to make money online. What you know and learn can earn you nice wealth.

People are always looking for information to help with a problem or to educate or entertain themselves. This is similar to the act of finding the best gift you can give someone that will solve a problem. As you know, problems are infinite in our lives, so the information to be developed for this field is without end.

There is, and always will be, big money in selling information products knowledge online, on the Internet. The potential for huge profits are great because you have low startup costs and no inventory. Best of all, you have infinite fields to plow to eventually harvest.

Much of the great information that has come out in this field has been born while writers and webmasters were walking their dog, musing with their cat or spending quality time with their loved ones. Great fields to grow in.

The most effective common information product is an eBook. eBooks are simply information and knowledge in an electronic rather than paper format. They are the new version of the pen being mightier than the sword.

Other information products include: streaming video viewed on a web page, audio files on tape or CD, pod casts, access to web pages where info is stored, printed books, CDs, DVDs sent to buyers. Learn and understand this formula for your personal growth; computer + topic = information product.

Earning big money in information products happens because the process is very easy to create. Choose an interesting topic. Put your fingers to the keyboard and in a little while you have created an info product.

Isolate yourself completely to do this exercise. Your mind must have free reign to focus, create and achieve.

Remember the man who charges $25,000 to sit on any problem for one hour. He wants no publicity because he is overwhelmed with takers. So great are his results. No one has permission to reveal his contact information.

If he can unleash his mind to do any problem, you can unleash your own mind and do the same for a $25,000 result. Can I give you any knowledge more powerful than this, at any price, in this article? Can anyone?

Try it, completely isolate yourself, in a room for one hour, with zero interruption and noise. Think solutions to your problem. The results will stun you.

If the topic is really hot, you may possibly start earning income hours later. Internet technology provides 24/7 sales and delivery of product. I know you here this a lot but it is one of the great power points of the, always awake and alert, internet.

Automate your site, yourself or with some help, so you can sell the product, process the payment, deliver the item via email, add to your email list and follow up with the buyer later to check on customer satisfaction (and sell more product!).

What makes a good information product? Uncountable numbers of subjects can net big money in information products. How to start a business, self improvement techniques, health ideas and information, career advice.

You can think of a topic. I told you exactly how to above with a priceless technique.

There are people willing to buy the information product you put together. You just need to
find the topic and details as you have been shown here. Do you realize what a powerful opportunity you have here? Please do not let this effective opportunity slip through your fingers.

Marketing Success

As well as gaining traffic from click-through and free searches, article marketing can help to boost your site's page rank because it provides relevant one-way back links to your website which is a factor search engines use to calculate popularity.

Article marketing success starts with the article itself. The article needs to be well written, easy to read and to concentrate on the area of interest you wish to promote. If you write an article on a topic that is not related to your website business, you may get curiosity seekers but they will not be targeted. On the other hand if your article is related to your website in any way, people who click on your link are probably searching for more information. Consequently, these readers are much more likely to be interested in the products or services you are promoting.

The first step to article marketing success is to choose an attention grabbing title that includes your keyword. People searching on your keywords are far more likely to find your article than otherwise. The title of your article needs to attract a person that wants to read the article itself.

The article content is probably the most important aspect of article marketing. The content needs to be relevant, informative and helpful. It also needs to be engaging. Your purpose is to hold the reader's attention for the whole article and impress them enough that they will want to click on your link in the resource box.

The article should also be written with internet marketing SEO (search engine optimization) in mind. Keywords and terms with a similar meaning (to appeal to latent semantic indexing) should be dotted throughout the article. Use your keyword in the first one hundred words of the article, in the last one hundred words and a few times in the body of the article. Keyword density should be kept in the 1-2% range if possible.

You also need to peak your readers' interest so that they are more likely to click on your link in the resource box. An excellent way to increase click-through to your website is to divide your article into two parts. Submit the first part to the article directories of your choice and keep part 2 on your own website. On your own site you can insert links in the article which can take the reader to other information on the site.

To be successful in article marketing over the long term you need to submit original, interesting articles regularly to high traffic articles directories such as Top Rank articles. If you are consistent and diligent and follow the guidelines in this article, you will find that article marketing is a highly effective strategy for website promotion.