Wednesday, June 2, 2010

regression market

Building a reputation as an expert is essential for a successful article marketing campaign. It's not enough to write an article, submit the article to directory site and hope that customers click on your back links to learn more about you. You must sell yourself. Show potential customers they you can trust you as an expert. This is particularly important when the market takes a downturn.

Customers want to work with people they know and trust. Even if the customer doesn't know you by name, you earn their trust by providing quality, informative SEO articles and excellent service to your customers. This will make you known on the Internet as a subject matter expert.

Article Marketing is Cost Effective

Cost is always the bottom line. Any business that says otherwise is not being truthful. The beauty of article marketing is that it is an inexpensive way to advertise your products or services, even at a time when the market takes a downturn. If a turn in the economy determines how you'll market your product or services, you can still succeed in article marketing. Surviving a downturn in the market does not mean you have to give up or wait for better times. Article marketing is a cost efficient method to market your products and services whether money is tight or not.

Attract Targeted Traffic to Your Website

You probably know by now that the best way to build your revenue is to increase the amount of traffic to your website. Take that a step further now. Your goal should not be to attract everyone to your website. Your goal is to attract targeted traffic to your website. What does this mean? Simply put it means to narrow down your topic and attract only people to your website that are interested in your topic. You could bring 400 million people to your website this week, but if none of those people are interested in your niche topic you will not be any better off. It happens all the time. Websites are promoted in ways that aren't targeted.

If the articles that you submit to directories are not tailored enough to a specific target audience, the high success rate won't be as high as that possible from article marketing. It is essential to build your expert status in one particular niche. Tailor your articles within that specific niche and targeted customers interested in that specific niche will be drawn to you.

Responding to Targeted Traffic

Another benefit of article marketing is that once you find a niche group of customers to target, success is at your fingertips. All you need to do now is hone in on your targeted customers. Know what they want and need, become familiar with their buying habits, study their demographics and provide them with the information and products they crave.

Once you narrow down your niche market, go full speed ahead with article marketing to maximize your success in a down-turned market. Submit articles to article distribution sites to gain maximum exposure by wide variety of publishers. They will be picked up and published only by those who specialize in the same niche. They are doing all the footwork for you.

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