Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MLM Marketing

Most people who join multi-level marketing companies do so because of the tremendous income opportunities that are associated with the MLM industry. Many opportunities in the industry offer anybody the chance to make five and six figure incomes with little capital needed for start up costs to join.

The opportunities to realize financial independence can be a powerful driving force for us all. Because MLM companies offer this chance, more than ever before, many are looking into this area as something to consider for themselves and their families.

Choosing the right MLM company to join is the trick. So many multi-level opportunities are fly-by night scams. They pitch an incredible tale of getting rich almost over night with little effort put forth. Dont buy into these pitches.

Choosing the right MLM company to join is relatively easy. These companies have been established for years and have a solid track record. Everything about them is out on the table for you to verify.

Being a independent distributor in a MLM company is hard work. If you want success, then you will have to understand the product lines, your compensation plan, the down line structure and business practices you will be using.

In all cases, your financial success will be strongly tied into your down line of other independent distributors that you will sponsor. In essence, they work for the company but in reality, they work under you.

Long gone are the marketing ways of old. This used to require you to talk to all of your friends, neighbors and everyone else you ever shook hands with about your business opportunity. Recruiting your MLM down line used to be a socially brutal experience. You would walk into a party and watch everyone scatter to the other side of the room away from you.

Many successful MLM marketers are now using the Internet to get good targeted leads for their downline by article marketing. Go to any article submission directory and you will find thousands of MLM articles that all back-link to the authors MLM website.

The ironic twist is that your targeted leads should be other independent MLM distributors! Yes, this sounds crazy, but it is true. So many individuals that are distributors already are more than familiar with the MLM industry. They are always on the look out for more MLM opportunities. Many MLM marketers have more than one MLM company they are partnered with.

By using article marketing methods consistently to generate targeted traffic for your down line, you will be getting people who are already familiar with the MLM industry. They will want to know more about what your MLM company has to offer them. These will be very hot prospects for you.

The great thing about article marketing is this method will not cost you a dime. The trade off is that you have to put in the work to write those articles and set up your website for cultivating your prospective leads that are directed to it from your articles. This is one of the best methods used to generate target leads to create a solid down line for your MLM business.

There are many free step by step resources online on how to use article marketing to set up a system that will regularly generate prospects for you by article writing.

Old school MLM would have you cold calling your second cousins to set up a time for you to talk to them about your great MLM opportunity. Which method would you rather use to create your new down line, article marketing or cold calling?

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