Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Land of the Blind

Want a better, faster and easier way to get more customers, clients or patients?

Surely you do.

As a business owner will say "no" absurd questions like that?

The good new is there are many ways to go about getting your next marketing campaign that will pull better.

However, I'm in love with a particular method because it is so easy to use.

Read this short article to see how easy it is to use a guarantee to produce more new customers, patients or clients for your business:

Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest.

Take for example:

Many people want to know how they can be quickly and easily capture more customers in their marketing pieces.

Ask and you 'will receive a young grasshopper ...

Because one of the easiest ways to get better results than the next marketing campaign is to include a killer warranty.

No. ..

I am not talking about some wimpy "you get 10 days to request their money back" nonsense.

This is false.

And not a Zippo to get people to buy.

Instead ...

Why does not someone offer a lifetime warranty?

This is when you give a skeptical prospect a chance to get your money back (on any purchased) for life. How many companies offer this? No one in a million which is why it makes so much sense to test these ideas.

Do not forget ...

Something like this probably does not work in your industry for which can be a great way for you to separate from the competition.

Why not offer a full 1-year money back guarantee?

Studies have shown that the more you offer a guarantee you will get less back.


Who knows for sure, but many believe that this is because over time people forget to return what they May be unhappy. This is great for you, assuming what you sell is really excellent quality of products or services

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